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The above images are of my 3/19/97 black hole model (SWALLOW.ROT) taken from various angles. This simulation is one that I hadactually been trying to do for some time. It shows the paths that particles from an object (circular wire-frame) travel as they plunge into the singularity. Once again, the colors simply correspond to the time remaining until particle enters the signularity. The wire-frame was simply put in as reference. Thus, any flaws it may have are not indictive to the simulation (for example, because I goofed there is a section where the dots didn't connect up, and I'm too lazy to go back in and fix it for now.) It would not be erroneous to think of this as a minor simulation of a star plunging into a black hole (simply because size is arbitrary in this simulation.)

Click here to see my accretion disk models.

Click here to see the earliest image library.

[ Main / Terminus / Sam's Personal Page / Mail Sam ]- Click Here to see what is probably a real Black Hole -